I keep finding myself writing, “It was one of the best views I’ve ever seen!” or at least some variation of the phrase. A lot of times it’s probably a slight exaggeration of excitement from a fresh trip, but not always. It got me thinking that if I had to choose, what would my leading ‘best views’ that I’ve ever seen be?
In my limited travel experience around the world, I don’t disagree with their sentiment that Palawan is the most beautiful island in the world, but shame on them, one of the largest travel publications in the world, for presenting it in such a uninspired and mundane way. So here are 13 Photos of the Most Beautiful Island (and Province) in the World.
Before going to the Philippines, it was incredible how many people asked, “Why are you going to visit the Philippines?” Like I was crazy. My answer was almost always, “Because it looks beautiful.”
Arguably the most important part of the day directly followed mass, in the same spot… preparing the feast, which had to begin with the slaughter of seven pigs and two carabao in the traditional Ifuguo way.
t turned out to be such an amazing weekend and I think I can confidently say that Blue Lakes has taken over Ice Lakes Basin as my favorite spot in Colorado.
Another 1.4 miles up the Brush Creek drainage through some beautiful meadows, led us to Mystic Island Lake (11,306 feet), a dramatic blue lake at the base of a classic glacial cirque…
“I’ve heard it’s beautiful, but I’ve never been there.” A remark I’ve heard (and said myself) over and over again for the last couple of years. Designated a wilderness area in 1975, the Flat Tops is actually Colorado’s third...