Travel & Photography Blog

Follow my travels around the world, discover photography tips & information, and get inspired.

Packing for the High Sierra Trail

Packing for the High Sierra Trail

Packing for the High Sierra Trail was one of the harder parts about the entire trip. It was a careful balancing act of not carrying more weight than I had to for a week, but also not being in the middle of nowhere and not have something I needed or wanted.

The High Sierra Trail – The Famous Sierra Nevada Traverse in Sequoia National Park

The High Sierra Trail – The Famous Sierra Nevada Traverse in Sequoia National Park

It turns out that the High Sierra Trail (HST) is like the JMT’s little brother and an incredible alternative. At only 72 miles, it can be completed in under a week, but it still features everything the Sierras have to offer; Colossal mountains, jagged peaks and ridges, crystal clear alpine lakes, magnificent lush forests, stunning meadows, towering waterfalls, and an abundance of wildlife.

Montane Mansion: Exploring Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Montane Mansion: Exploring Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Most people won’t know the name “Montane Mansion,” but ever since the apartment complex was destroyed (or ‘featured,’ whatever…) in one of Michael Bay’s garbage Transformers movies, it’s become a famous landmark in Hong Kong through social media